

步驟1 問自己 我最想成為什麼人? 用「我想成為一個XXX」,替你的時間帳戶開戶。 方法:替你的70歲生日寫篇生日頌,寫出一生最有成就與驕傲的事,了解自己的渴望。若真想不出來,就拿出紙筆以「我現在是,我有,我能夠……」為起始,憑直覺用力寫5分鐘,別中斷。

步驟2 列出我需要扮演的角色明細 方法:把現在自己扮演的角色列出,如員工、父親、兒子、某社團成員、義工等,然後,把不喜歡的角色刪除,先從容易脫離的開始,最後,選出7個你願意且必須扮演,且會做得好的角色。除非你是超級工作狂,否則別忽略家庭的角色。

步驟3 定出2年關鍵任務 方法:思考這些角色要達到你夢想中的目標、關鍵任務為何?什麼任務在未來1、2年達成,對達成理想最有幫助,如「我要成為頂尖的業務員」、「我要建立起自己的忠誠客戶群」。 再重複一次,要把能量放在「你比人家在行、讓你愉快,且對你生命遠景影響最大的事」。

步驟4 以SMART法,定年度目標 S(特定性)—別說去找客戶。要說:「每天都會去開發新客戶」 M(可測性)—要說「每天開發出50個具有100萬以上消費力、有購買意願的新客戶」 A(行動性與肯定性)—勇於拒絕跟目標無關的事,用詞可婉轉 R(實際性)—別定遙不可及的目標 T(有期限性)—才能評估成效

步驟5 每週與自己約會1次 請參考「4大象限圖」,訂出事情的優先順序。 方法:建議每週末用半小時做週計畫表,這半小時就是你跟自己的約會時間,請遵守。

步驟6 每晚回顧 方法:每天工作結束前,以書面做好明日行程表,要留下點可用時間,別全填滿。另外,回顧今日結果,習慣每天檢視後,時間應用會更有紀律。

步驟7 恭喜你 你正快速累積起時間財富 但記得,要隨時維持熱情,讓你的時間管理持之以恆。 方法:如幻想自己將達到目標時的愉快感,或把大目標切割成幾個小目標,這樣就可提高成功率,增加自我成就感!


如何、何時 才能成為大爺?



Greek philosopher Thucydides

Greek philosopher Thucydides :

A man who has the knowledge but lacks the power to clearly express himself is no better off than if he had never any idea at all.

The Road Not Taken

美國詩人 羅勃.佛洛斯特:沒有走的路
Robert Frost's known poem: The Road Not Taken

黃樹林裡分叉兩條路,TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
只可惜我不能都踏行。And sorry I could not travel both

我,單獨的旅人,佇立良久,And be one traveler, long I stood
極目眺望一條路的盡頭,And looked down one as far as I could
看它隱沒在叢林深處。To where it bent in the undergrowth;

於是我選擇了另一條路,Then took the other, as just as fair,
一樣平直,也許更值得,And having perhaps the better claim,
因為青草茵茵,還未被踏過,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
若有過往人蹤,Had worn them really about the same,
路的狀況會相差無幾。Though as for that the passing there

那天早晨,兩條路都覆蓋在枯葉下,And both that morning equally lay
沒有踐踏的污痕:In leaves no step had trodden black.
啊,原先那條路留給另一天吧!Oh, I kept the first for another day!
明知一條路會引出另一條路,Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
我懷疑我是否會回到原處。I doubted if I should ever come back

在許多許多年以後,在某處,I shall be telling this with a sigh
我會輕輕歎息說:Somewhere ages and ages hence:
黃樹林裡分叉兩條路,而我,Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
我選擇了較少人跡的一條,I took the one less traveled by,
使得一切多麼地不同。And that has made all the difference



The simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, and the meekness of true strength





Once upon a time there was a shepherd looking after his sheep on the
side of a deserted road.

Suddenly a brand new Porsche screeches to a halt. The driver, a man dressed in an Armani suit, Cerutti shoes, Ray-Ban sunglasses, gets out and asks the Shepherd:

"If I can tell you how many sheep you have, will you give me one of them?"

The shepherd looks at the young man,and replies:

The young man parks the car, connects his laptop to the mobile, scans the ground using his GPS,opens a database. He turns to the shepherd and says, "You have exactly 1,586 sheep here."

The shepherd cheers,"That's correct, you can have your sheep."

The young man makes his pick and puts it in the back of his Porsche.

The shepherd looks at him and asks: "If I guess your profession, will you return my animal to me?"
The young man answers, "Yes, why not?"

The shepherd says, "You are an IT consultant.

"How did you know?"asks the young man.

"Very simple," answers the shepherd.
"First, you came here without being called.
Second, you charged me a fee to tell me something I already knew, and
third, you don't understand anything about my business...

Now can I have my DOG back?"