
Terminator 2

原來是terminator 2,第一版的,修訂過的也沒有這一段了

ending 是午夜的一段公路,沒有月光、沒有路燈。沒有希望的未來
Sarah Connor開著車,車燈把路面打亮,漆黑的公路,閃現的黃線
The unknown future rolls toward us. I face it, for the first time, with a sense of hope.

In the midnight, I drive on California freeway ,I10.
The road is still dark, there is no moonlight.

I have never had this sense of feeling for years.
It's the first time I feel future is there. I can touch it.
It's the first time I can answer a question, what is the next step.
Thanks for smiles that really warm the world.
Thanks for everything that comes with you.
Thank you.
